Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday Fives (5s) -- Post III

Not everything always fits into the theme of a Blog Post -- So I wanted to start a collection of things I'm currently crushing over each week that didn't necessarily get captured in my posting.

This will be the third post of a series called Friday Fives (5s)


Thankful that I've had so much time to workout WITH my little sister this week!! Getting to bond and being full of endorphins and energy afterwards?!  Stellar.


Healthy happy babies!!!!

Welcome to the world little Jackson :)

Meet my incredibly handsome GodSon :-D


My Peanut Pretzel Bark... YUM YUM YUM


Spending time with your FAMILY over the Holidays! 

{women on Christmas Eve}

{My Parents}

{Sisters and I Christmas Morning}

{My baby cousin James and I - he's putting up his dukes!}

{Cousin Jake - Children + Presents = Priceless}

{Soulmate, 2nd Mom Lisa, Rooms and I at Christmas Party}


Michael coming home to me!!! He was visiting his family in Florida for Christmas and even though it was just a week I missed my best friend and love so much it's silly <3

Mike flew in the day Jackson was born, two of my favorite men in this photo!

Oh yeah and P.S. - I got a DESIGNER BARBIE for Christmas that LOOKS LIKE ME!!!


Don't knock on the hair... it was early and I'm still in pajamas.  Yep, that's how I do things at the old age of 25.  Christmas morning in PAJAMAS at the Parents' house.  :)

Questions for the Day:

BEST thing you got for Christmas this Year?? (or Hanukkah)

Mine would be working out with my sister! but I guess she didn't technically mean that as my gift lol so I'd say the super amazing LuLulemon Ruffle Run Speed Shorts AND the Equanimity Pants.  Santa spoiled me this year. 

Favorite thing you ate on Christmas Day?

This is so hard! I think it would have to be the Creme De Mint Liquor Pie I tried :)

IF you're religious, what was your favorite part of MASS or whatever message you listened to for the holidays? (Not trying to make this a religious blog, but I love hearing inspirational messages that have spoken to people!)

Our Priest was on travel from Nigeria and said in his country they would DANCE to celebrate the birth of Jesus!  I so wish we would've started dancing right then and there!  but his message was mostly about realizing the form God chose to send our savior into the world - humbly.  The purpose of the holidays is not to become to entrapped in the idea of monetary gifts, but to be thankful for the love you have in your life and the people who surround you :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Workout Wednesdays - Week III

I'm completely ADD when it comes to my workouts.. I can only follow a basic plan outline nothing exact because it makes me feel too trapped and scheduled.  If it says "x" # of runs per week, "x" day do cardio, "x" day do strength training of some sort I can kinda follow that.. but really when I want to run I run, when I want to go to the gym I do, and when it's freezing and rainy outside I turn to my collection of workout DVD's and the lovely internet.

Because of this I feel it may be good to do a weekly recap, at least for myself, of what I actually accomplished or got done!

This happens to be on Wednesdays because 'Workout' starts with a "W" and I'm a sucker for alliteration. Guess that's what happens when your mom is an English major!

Also feel free to follow/friend me on The Daily Mile!

This Week in Workouts:

Thursday, December 22nd -

Did not feel so hot today - got in 30 minutes on the Elliptical.

Friday, December 23rd -

Didn't have a lot of time today before my date with Miss Ashley to have lunch and see LES Miserables, but snuck in one of the Roommate's Turbo Fire DVDs... umm those are INTENSE.  I did the Fire 30 CD but it was longer than 30 minutes for me since there's an option for 'first time' where they walk you through some of the moves so that you know what you are doing.  The most interesting part of the CD was the 'firedrills'.  You hear an alarm sound and for a whole MINUTE you work super high intensity 'because you can do anything for one minute, right??'  

Saturday, December 24th -

Made time for a holiday run today even though it was 39 degrees and the weather channel said it feels like 34 (which is practically freezing... and being from Texas my whole life I really do not do well in the cold!)
Knocked out the first 3 miles in 24:42 (Holy Goodness -- 8:15min miles?!?! That's a miracle for me!!)
::small walk break to catch my breath::
STILL finished my 6.3 mile out & back in 57:10 (9:05min mile average).
I beat myself in my "challenge run"... Last Wednesday my average last time was 9:28min miles, and I have NEVER finished a 5k in under 25.

Sunday, December 25th -

Quick workout Christmas Morning - snuck in the TIU Sunset Workout plus some extra deadlifts at the apartment before rushing over to the parents'.

Monday, December 26th -

3 Miles on Treadmill in 26ish minutes... it was a really rough 3 miles, I think all the sugar from Christmas really got to me, but AFTERWARDS I felt a lot better!  

Mari and I took over my apartment gym and turned on a really great workout mix.. 

Mari and I completed the TIU Sunset Workout circuit 3 times PLUS we did about twice as many flutters and dead lifts as the circuit called for!  Since there was only one pair of 5lb dumb bells at the gym I had to use 10lbs but for dead lifts it wasn't too bad.  

We also did the following:

8 Reps Chest Presses (3 x's)
10 AB leg lifts in Roman Chair (3 x's)
20 triangle love handles (TIU move - see photo below)
Plank 1 min
Side Plank 1 min each side
10 triceps extensions on each side in deep lunge

Take that Christmas Pie!!!!

Tuesday, December 27th -

5.5 Miles Outside Recovery Run with Mari.

Really slow pace for me but my sister is recovering SO WELL from her knee surgery!!! We averaged an 11:49 pace including the walking we did... she ran 2 miles straight, then walk to calm her heart rate, then ran one mile, walk again then .75 miles finished strong! So proud of her!! BTW the temperature dropped half way through our run and it got stinkin' cold!!  I did sprint forward and back at one point just to warm up.... next time even if it's sunny Imma sport the jacket.

Wednesday, December 28th -

Went to the Hospital bright & Early this morning to meet my GODSON baby Jackson!!!

Meet Jackson:

Born December 28th, 2011
9.37 lbs and 21" long!

Hi Precious Baby Boy!!!!!!!!

Follow along with the printout here.

I will say the Triangle Love Handle move feels awesome two days later after doing it every day!  My sides are so sore... 

Reasons to be Fit:

What was your favorite workout this week?  Any new DVD's or circuits I should try??

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hi, My name is Kate Middleton and I am FABULOUS

Remember the dress that I wore to Mike's Family's Thanksgiving Dinner with his Nana?

details here.

Since my flash is super dark with the sun behind us, here's a picture of the dress from the site where I bought it...


 I just realized it looks INCREDIBLY SIMILAR TO the dress Kate Middleton is wearing in all her Engagement Photos...

Oh wait, not just incredibly similar...

it. is. the. same. dress.

I feel incredibly fancy and posh right now. 

All I need to complete my look is her HUGE hunk of a sapphire engagement ring...

I'm sorry if no one else found this post to be as exciting as I did, but really I'm not.  Because I think this was the most interesting news I've received all day.

~*Christmas Time*~

25 Questions: Holiday Style {taken from Julie}
  • Eggnog or hot chocolate?
Hot Chocolate WITH COFFEE.  Really just a Skinny Peppermint Mocha... or English Toffee Latte... Mmmmm!

  • Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
 Santa wraps my sisters and my presents and we each have different paper/bows/color scheme each year so we know which ones are ours!  Now I stuff my mom's stocking too and sign a few from 'Santa' just to throw her off!

{Christmas Morning - the sisters and I}

  • Colored lights on tree/house or white?
My parents did colors when we were little now they're all white which I love with a white snowy seal and polar bears in the front yard!  Colored lights on her tree though - an assortment of ornaments because we each would get one new ornament every year to add.  Three girls = three snow baby angel ornaments, three fairies one year, three animals in pinecones another!

  • Do you hang mistletoe?
My roommate did!!!!!!!  Watchout if you come in our front door!

  • When do you hang your decorations up?
Whenever we feel like it :)

  • What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Mom's homemade mashed potatoes!  And I love green bean casserole.  And Heidi - keep your Oreo balls away from me they are too tempting!!

  • Favorite holiday memory as a child?
Maybe my polar bear 'muff'.  I thought I was sooo fancy back then!  Who am I kidding?? I still do.

In case you aren't sure what a 'Muff' is... 

It's basically a faux fur (or real fur I guess) sleeve that hangs around your neck and you place your hands inside it to stay warm! 

Stylish.  I know.

Some of you may argue that's not really a memory so I will also say CHRISTMAS EVE GIFT!!  Each year my family has a tradition that the first person to call 'Christmas Eve Gift!' on Christmas Eve gets to pick one gift to open a day early!!

  • What is on your Christmas wish list?
TIME!!! My favorite part about the holidays is more time with family and friends ... but I also had on my wishlist...

LuLuLemon Run Speed RUFFLE Shorts

LuLuLemon Equanimity Denim Pants
{how cute would these be tucked into boots?!}

Large Jewel Toned Stud Earrings, and a plain gold or silver hammered cuff!

  • Do you open a gifts on Christmas Eve?

See above - Christmas Eve Gift!!!

  • How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
My Christmas Tree is a busted silver < 2' Tall Tree I found in the corner of a Hobby Lobby and SAVED!  I decorate it with ornaments I made... maybe I'll do a post on this soon :)

Alright.. I tried that SIX TIMES.  The picture only wants to upload sideways.  I shall let it be.

  • Snow? Love it or dread it?
Love visiting snowy places around March when there is snow but it isn't too cold... otherwise I can live without it!
  • Real tree or fake tree?
My parents' tree was a fake one we got to build like a puzzle each year! 
  • Do you remember your favorite gift?
Favorite gift ever?! Hmm... I'm not sure.  Last year I really loved my new Asics and Heart Rate Monitor watch Santa got me!  When I was younger I always loved American Girl Dolls and Art Kits!!
  • What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my family.
  • What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Peppermint Mocha! 

  • What is your favorite tradition?
Maybe the fact that Santa Claus still visits even though my youngest sister is now 16!  Oh and also that my sisters and I sing kareoke every Christmas before we head over to my Aunt's to see the whole family... Wii Kareoke all the way! 
  • What tops your tree?
An Angel 
  • Do you prefer giving or receiving?
GIVING.  I over spend... every year!  I absolutely love that feeling when you've given someone the perfect gift and you see their reaction as they open it!  I love finding it... I get really competitive with myself too haha 
  • What is your favorite Christmas song?
The Little Drummer Boy?  Really there's one they play on the radio that I LOVE but cannot remember the name of...  
  • Candy canes, yuck or yum?
Just need the peppermint in my coffee or oreo balls thanks! 
  • Favorite Christmas movie?
The one with HeatMeiser and SnowMeiser!  I think it was The Year Without a Santa Claus??

  • What do you leave for Santa?
Cookies and Milk
  • Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?
Let everyone sleep in.  At least to a reasonable hour! LOL then we wake up and eat breakfast and decide how to tackle the present opening! 
  • Do you prefer to shop on-line or at the mall?
Online I find the best deals and honestly have no time to deal with mall craziness anymore!  I do miss walking through all the stores though 
  • Christmas letter or Christmas card?
My mom does both.  A Christmas Card with a picture of my sisters and I each year and also she sends out an email update on our lives... sometimes she even writes it to rhyme! 

So I know that was AFTER Christmas, but really I celebrate Christmas until NYE :)

Questions for the Day:

What is your favorite Winter Tradition??

I'm curious, does any body else remember the movie 'A Year Without A Santa Claus'? And the Heat Miser/Snow Miser song??

Saturday, December 24, 2011

'Tis The Ho-ho-hoLiday Season

Merry Christmas Eve!!!!

Made time for a holiday run today even though it was 39 degrees and the weather channel said it feels like 34 (which is practically freezing... and being from Texas my whole life I really do not do well in the cold!)

Knocked out the first 3 miles in 24:42 (Holy Goodness -- 8:15min miles?!?! That's a miracle for me!!)

::small walk break to catch my breath::

STILL finished my 6.3 mile out & back in 57:10 (9:05min mile average).


I beat myself in my "challenge run"... Last Wednesday my average last time was 9:28min miles, and I have NEVER finished a 5k in  under 25.  

The "Challenge Run" is something I set up using the SoftRace App on my Android phone (I don't know if there's a similar app for iPhones).  You mark your run and it tracks your speed using GPS and you can race your previous times and also publish it for other people to race your time.  It'll tell you during your run if you're in first place :)  pretty neat!

Speaking of challenges... Mike's friend happened to mention the other night that he could easily beat me in a 5k run by 6 minutes.  Okay RUDE.  I may not be the FASTEST runner, but claiming nonchalantly that you're going to beat me by 6 MINUTES?!  wow!  Well GUESS WHAT? -- to beat my 5k by 6 minutes you're gonna have to get under 18:45 so take that buddy.  Have fun.  See you in February at the Color Run.

Challenge ON.  Welcome to Beast Mode.

Riley is in training as well.... She's been practicing her pouncing technique from across the kitchen to the living room... here's what happens once she catches the unsuspecting fuzzy mouse toy...

"I'm going to eat you!"

"You are mine tiny mouse!"

Bahaha!  Sorry the photos are fuzzy... I was trying not to let her know I was snapping pictures with my phone because usually she stops if she thinks she's being filmed... 

This Holiday break has been exactly what I've needed so far ...

Caught up with the roommate with some Skinny Peppermint Mochas!

And we made to-go salads from Jason's Deli!
Ummm one price so you BET I filled up that container to the rim!!! Lunch  & Dinner... delish.

We went to visit Ashley and see the new baby room (he comes on WEDNESDAY!!!) and realized Nicole is the length of the crib... omfg love her.

BTW in case you were wondering.. Ashley's nurse confirmed she's still having a boy.  

Yes, the text on that Ultrasound says "I am still a boy!" and no that's not a butt... that's his BAWLS! hahahahaha

NOW to the IMPORTANT stuff!


I made the best recipe and am super proud of myself!  It was inspired by Giada DeLaurentiis whom I'm currently obsessed with. 


Really feel free to mix in whatever veggies are your favorite!  

Here's a serving:

link to recipe here

Yummy!!! warms your soul from the inside!!!

While that was simmering I threw together a Christmas Eve Salad!

That was my task this year... Cute, no??

AND what's Christmas without some sort of sweet treat??

I made my own version of Bark... 

Peanut Pretzel Bark

If you like Sweet + Salty than THIS is the dessert for you!!

No need for Nutritional Info on this one... I'm sure it's CHOCOLATE. Plan accordingly ;)


Take a cookie tray and cover it in Aluminum foil.
Spray with a non stick spray
Break up skinny pretzels and spread over the tray.
Sprinkle Dry Roasted Sea Salt Peanuts over the tray.
In a microwave safe bowl melt 1.5 bags Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate, 1 small spoonful Earth Balance (Vegan Butter), and 1/6 cups white chocolate chips.
Pour/spread chocolate mixture over the pretzels/peanuts.
Sprinkle a few white chocolate chips on top.
Sprinkle with Red and Green Sanding Sugar to add a bit of Festive-ness!
Allow tray to cool for about 10 minutes then move tray to refridgerator to cool until it hardens.
Break into pieces and enjoy!!!

I hope everyone is having an absolutely fabulous Holiday!  Gotta shower up and make it to Christmas Eve Dinner then Mass -- see ya!


Questions of the Day:

Do you ever challenge your previous times when you're running?

What's your favorite type of soup this time of year?

Try my Peanut Pretzel Bark and tell me how you like it!!!!